Help/ChanServ Levels

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 3c3,5
Syntax: LEVELS #channel SET command level
LEVELS #channel SET command level

Changed: 6c8
LEVELS #channel CLEAR</tt>

Changed: 16,17c18,19
For a list of the different LEVELS settings and what they allow, type:
/cs help levels set
For a list of the different /ChanServ Levels List settings and what they allow, type:
/cs help levels set

ChanServ LEVELS allows you to adjust the minimum access levels required to do certain commands.


        LEVELS #channel SET command level
        LEVELS #channel RESET command
        LEVELS #channel LIST
        LEVELS #channel CLEAR

The LEVELS SET command sets the required level for a command.

The LEVELS RESET command sets the level of a command back to the default setting.

The LEVELS LIST command displays a list of possible commands and their current level settings.

The LEVELS CLEAR command sets all levels back to the default settings.

For a list of the different /ChanServ Levels List settings and what they allow, type: /cs help levels set

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Last edited February 4, 2005 4:42 pm (diff)