Services Development (Perl)/Bugs in 0.3.1-pre

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,2c1,43
SurrealChat sucks.
SurrealServices really suck.


* do_news doesn't work [fixed]
* nickserv::userip doesn't know if a user is new or old [fixed]
* NS Watch list doesn't use rootnick [fixed]
* NS Dispatcher case sensitivity bugs [fixed]
* Users can GHOST themselves. [fixed]
* Nearexpire should log the email address. [fixed]


* operoverride allows changing of chanacc.level from cs_xop. [how?]
* topics don't get restored if they are erased during a netsplit. [possibly fixed]
* CS REGISTER isn't logged. [fixed]
* AKick overrides access entries. [fixed]
** access entries should override mask akicks. including at add time
** a nick akick should preclude channel access.
* ChanServ levels reset doesn't check if a given level exists. [fixed]
* The distinction between SetTopic and TOPIC is confusing. [fixed - /cs set topiclock sets perms to reasonable values]
* cs_akick_pre needs to return the authorized nick [fixed]
** cs_akick_add needs to take that nick and use it fo $adder
* Successor should be added to chanacc level 6 [why?]
* There is no permission for setting WELCOMEs [fixed]


* botserv act is broken [fixed]
* Double $err_deny from bot_dispatch botsay [fixed]
* BotServ bots don't always part when channel is empty. [don't know what triggers this]
** Unknown if this affects 0.3.1 or not
* BotSay permission checking says permission denied when permission is actually granted. [fixed]
* !invite doesn't give an error if the user doesn't exist. [fixed]
* BotServ allows you to create bots with invalid nicks. [fixed]


* Documentation is incomplete and inaccurate.
* net::part doesn't delete channel from agent. [fixed]
* as_whois() should resolve rootnick, or modify the get_svs_level to do it for us. [fixed]
* Dropping a nick does not drop its hostserv entry. [fixed]
* SEEN sometimes says a user is still online when they aren't. [fixed]
* Dropping a nick with svsop should not be allowed. [fixed]
* Nicks and channels can expire if the users remain online for a long time. [fixed]





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Last edited January 6, 2005 1:42 pm (diff)