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IRCOp Commands - Part I

Page 1 - OperServ/AdminServ ||
Page 2 - Oper Commands


Alias /os <commandshere> may be used in place of /msg OperServ.

FJOIN - /msg OperServ FJOIN <nickname> <channel>
* Forces a user to join a channel.

FPART - /msg OperServ FPART <nickname> <channel>
* Forces a user to part a channel.

UNIDENTIFY - /msg OperServ UNIDENTIFY <nickname>
* Logs a user out of any nicks they are identified to.

QLINE - /msg OperServ QLINE <add|del|list> [+expiry] <mask> <reason>
* Prevents a nick or nickmask from being used, except by opers and service agents.
** ADD: Adds a Q:Line.
*** [+expiry]: Length of time before Q:Line expires. (ex. +1d == 1 day)
*** <mask>: The nickname or nickmask being reserved.
*** <reason>: Self-explanatory.
** DEL: Deletes a Q:Line.
*** <mask>: Nickname or nickmask being removed from Q:Line list.
** LIST: Requests list of current Q:Lines.

JUPE - /msg OperServ JUPE <server> <reason>
* Allows you to jupiter a server -- that is, to create a fake "server" connected to Services which prevents the real server of that name from connecting. To be used only in a situation where a server is disrupting the network and must be juped.
* Contrary to helpfile, JUPE may be removed using a standard SQUIT.

UINFO - /msg OperServ UINFO <nickname>
* Allows opers to view additional information about a client; examples: Nicks identified, or channels joined regardless of channel modes (ex. +s)

SVSNICK - /msg OperServ SVSNICK <oldnick> <newnick>
* Forcibly changes a user's nickname to the specified new one.

GNICK - /msg OperServ GNICK <nickname>
* Forces user to have their nickname changed to Guest*.
* Commonly used with Qlining or when a user is using a nickname they should not.

STAFF - /msg OperServ STAFF
* Lists all Services Operators.

LOGONNEWS - /msg OperServ LOGONNEWS <add|del|list> <U|O> <seebelow>
* Handles logonnews system.
* Two lists: Users and Opers (not finished).
* News maybe permanent (no expiry) or it may have a limited life (expiry).
** ADD: <U|O> [+expiry] <message>
*** Adds an entry to logonnews.
*** [+expiry] and <message>: Self-explanatory.
** DEL: <U|O> <num>
*** Deletes an entry on logonnews system.
*** NUM: Number of entry to be deleted.
** LIST: <U|O>
*** Lists entries in logonnews system.
*** OperNews is not yet implemented.

EXCEPT - /msg OperServ EXCEPT <server|hostname|ip> <seebelow>
* Adds clone-limit exceptions.
** SERVER: All users on this server[mask].
*** ADD: ADD <name> <limit>
*** DEL: DEL <name>
** HOSTNAME: All users with this hostmask.
*** ADD: ADD <name> <limit>
*** DEL: DEL <name>
** IP: All users with this IP Netblock.
*** ADD: ADD <IP[/mask]> <limit>
*** DEL: DEL <IP[/mask]>
**** Info on mask in bits is available by: /msg OperServ help EXCEPT

SESSION - /msg OperServ SESSION <number>
* Displays lists of hosts with more than a certain number of clones.

CHANKILL - /msg OperServ CHANKILL <#channel> <reason>
* Adds a G:line for every user in the channel, with the exception of IRC operators.

REHASH - /msg OperServ REHASH [type]
* Signals all servers to re-read their configuration files.


Alias /as <commandshere> may be used to replace /msg AdminServ

SVSOP - Not included here... Opers don't need this.

WHOIS - /msg AdminServ WHOIS <nickname>
* Checks rank of individual.

STAFF - /msg AdminServ STAFF
* Lists all Service Ops.

IRCOp Commands - Part I

Page 1 - OperServ/AdminServ || Page 2 - Oper Commands


Alias /os <commandshere> may be used in place of /msg OperServ.

FJOIN - /msg OperServ FJOIN <nickname> <channel>

FPART - /msg OperServ FPART <nickname> <channel>

UNIDENTIFY - /msg OperServ UNIDENTIFY <nickname>

QLINE - /msg OperServ QLINE <add|del|list> [+expiry] <mask> <reason>

JUPE - /msg OperServ JUPE <server> <reason>

UINFO - /msg OperServ UINFO <nickname>

SVSNICK - /msg OperServ SVSNICK <oldnick> <newnick>

GNICK - /msg OperServ GNICK <nickname>

STAFF - /msg OperServ STAFF

LOGONNEWS - /msg OperServ LOGONNEWS <add|del|list> <U|O> <seebelow>

EXCEPT - /msg OperServ EXCEPT <server|hostname|ip> <seebelow>

SESSION - /msg OperServ SESSION <number>

CHANKILL - /msg OperServ CHANKILL <#channel> <reason>

REHASH - /msg OperServ REHASH [type]


Alias /as <commandshere> may be used to replace /msg AdminServ

SVSOP - Not included here... Opers don't need this.

WHOIS - /msg AdminServ WHOIS <nickname>

STAFF - /msg AdminServ STAFF

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Last edited April 8, 2008 10:31 am (diff)