
IRCOp Commands - Part II

Page 1 - OperServ/AdminServ || Page 2 - Oper Commands

Oper Commands

Remember! [Unreal32 Docs] is the best place to get all the info!

To view the same information (if not more) on SurrealChat, /helpop ?<command>

OPER - /oper <nick> <password>

WALLOPS - /wallops <message>

GLOBOPS - /globops <message>

CHATOPS - /chatops <message>

LOCOPS - /locops <message>

ADCHAT - /adchat <message>

NACHAT - /nachat <message>

KILL - /kill <nickname> <reason>

KLINE - /kline [+|-]<user@host|nick> [<time to ban> <reason>]

ZLINE - [+|-]<*@ipmask> [<time to ban> <reason>]

GLINE - /gline [+|-]<user@host|nick> [<time to ban> <reason>]

GZLINE - /gzline [+|-]<*@ipmask> <time to ban>:<reason>

SHUN - /shun [+|-]<user@host|nick> <time to shun>:<reason>

REHASH - /rehash <server> -<flags>

RESTART - I highly doubt any regular oper will need this. Excluded.

DIE - Again, I highly doubt any regular oper will require the use of this. Excluded.

SETHOST - Shoo. You already have a pretty VHOST.

SETIDENT - You don't need this either.

CHGHOST - No favors. :(

CHGIDENT - No favors at all!

CHGNAME - No no no no no!

SQUIT - /squit <server>

CONNECT - /connect <server> <port> <server>

DCCDENY - /dccdeny <filemask> <reason>

UNDCCDENY - /undccdeny <filemask>

SAJOIN - /sajoin <nick> <#channel>, <#chanel>

SAPART - /sapart <nick> <#channel>, <#channel>

SAMODE - /samode <channel> <mode>

LAG - /lag <server>

RPING - /rping <servermask>

TRACE - /trace <servermask|nickname>

OPERMOTD - /opermotd

CLOSE - /close

SPAMFILTER - /spamfilter [add|del|remove|+|-] [type] [action] [tkltime] [reason] [regex]

NOTICE, CTCP, MSG - /notice $<server(s)> message

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Last edited January 3, 2006 7:31 pm (diff)