SurrealServices/Changes in 0.4.1

Difference (from prior author revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1,56
fqej jtlgyzan obgpsezdw viyac ibpfdn ydmchezvo tzgwjq

New features

* use the NICKv2 servicestamp field to identify 'old' users.
** Allows tracking of nick-changes even while services is down
** Allows securitybot to skip CTCP & blacklist checks
** faster/simpler re-syncs
* chmode +Q kick-revenge
* Add more info to OS UINFO
* NEVEROP for channels
* new format code for columnar formatting
* NOHIGHLIGHT option for nicks, to negate some effects of the columnar formatting, for users who don't like it
* MySQL config now goes in sql.conf instead of services.conf
* new bantype 10, cross between 2 & 3, depending on if is a java-xx22x ident
* NickServ PROFILE command
* Documentation updates
* More user-friendly error handling
* OS UINFO shows what channels a user has been in recently, even after they parted or quit
* Ban all users from certain countries with SecurityBot
* Non-prefixaq compatibility mode

Minor changes and bug fixes

* Change the `country` table from a memory table to a regular table
** allows use of b-tree indices (hash indices for ranges are almost useless)
** reduces required calls to country-table script
* Enforce IRCd limits on number of WATCH and SILENCE entries
* Make NS SILENCE and NS WATCH a little more n00b-friendly
* Clarify WATCH and SILENCE help-files
* Improve NickServ EMAILREG, shorten the code-length, to better fit the width limit in HoTMaiL and friends
* don't allow $remoteserv to be JUPEd
* fix display of permanent TKL (gline/gzline) events
* LOTS of reorganizations of code, moving stuff out of libs/ and modules/servicelibs/ and into SrSv/
* Minor improvements to CS ALIST & NS ALIST
* LogServ
** loopback processing for PRIVMSG and NOTICE
** handle opnotices
** Handle CTCP ACTION aka /me
* fix a bug with akicks being wiped but leaving orphaned chanacc entries
* Improve unban code, and CS UNBAN
* Improved batching for SJOIN
* Simplify the output of SrSv::GMTime::gmtime2
* fix SecurityBot CONF listing
* eliminate "constant subroutine redefined" warning
* Rewrite to DICE code
* various fun with ChanReg and NickReg flags, and caching of them where possible.
* Similar for LEVELS caching for channels
* Various work with utils/db-dump to make it work better
* try to prevent duplicates for certain nicktext types
* remove obsolete calls to lock (from 0.3.x's threading)
* make NETDUMP work again, a debugging/logging option
* fix some problems where services would not shutdown properly
* Load securitybot data from inside a timer so it won't slow down syncing
* Fix desync after a juped server gets SQUITed
* Delay backgrounding so that error messages can show up without --debug
* Don't allow invalid modes to be mlocked
* Fix SecurityBot blacklist checks
* Fix SecurityBot saveconf and loadconf
* Fix for NS SILENCE not quite working well for java-xxxxx idents

New features

Minor changes and bug fixes

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Last edited April 9, 2008 12:54 pm (diff)