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BotServ commands.

*BotServ allows users to Command their chosen #Channel bots i.e.) ChanBot.

* For a full list of Available Bots type…
/bs list
* Please note: there is no difference in the bots other than their names.

*To assign one of the listed Bots i.e.) ChanBot, the channel must first be registered…
** See: Channel Basics
** ASSIGN: /bs assign #channelname Botname</tt>…
*** Example - /bs assign #fakechan ChanBot
** UNASSIGN: /bs unassign #channelname Botname
*** Example - /bs unassign #fakechan ChanBot

* To make a bot say or act, i.e.) use it like a puppet…
** /bs say #channelname <what you want to say/do here>
*** Example - /bs say #fakechan fries are up! ^^
** /bs act #channelname <what you want to do here>
*** Example - /bs act #fakechan collects fries from counter.

* For a quicky on 'how to Ban?'
** !b <nick> - bans user from channel.
** !kick <nick> - kicks user from channel.
** !kickban <nick> - kicks and bans user at once.

*For Further help on these commands simply type…
** /bs help <command> in the status window.
Or Alternatively
** /query BotServ help
** /query ChanBot help

*ShortCut Commands for Botserv

*For a list of abilities for each rank see: More Channel Commands

* To add temporary status to someone simply use !rank nick
Example - !hop JohnSmith, !voice JohnSmith,

*To oper somebody in the channel temporarily! Use …
!op JohnSmith, or to remove status !DeOp Johnsmith

*For ranks such as SOP use !admin nick and to remove !deadmin nick

*To deop yourself and/or others and reapply it use…
!down nick to deop and use !up nick to reapply (sneaky! 0-o)
(may now also be used for multiple nicks..i.e)
!down nick1 nick2 nick3, and similarly with !up)
For additional help using this command use...
* /cs help up and /cs help down.

* For Information on the different kinds of bans you can use in a channel see the link below…
** channel basics

BotServ commands.

/bs list

Or Alternatively

 Example - !hop JohnSmith, !voice JohnSmith, 

!op JohnSmith, or to remove status !DeOp Johnsmith

!down nick to deop and use !up nick to reapply (sneaky! 0-o) (may now also be used for multiple nicks..i.e) !down nick1 nick2 nick3, and similarly with !up) For additional help using this command use...

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Last edited April 9, 2008 12:59 pm (diff)